
Festival September 19, 2024

You want to play on the BUNTWALD stage? Take part in our big band contest!

LaBrassBanda promise power and party mood.

Would you like to entertain the audience together with LaBrassBanda and The Magic Mumble Jumble at the BUNTWALD Festival on July 12, 2025? Then our band contest is just the thing for you.

How it works

Register for the band contest by 25 October - tell us who you are, describe what makes you special and let us know in a creative, funny, exciting, colorful, … video why exactly you belong on stage at the BUNTWALD-Festival 2025! We present all applicants on our website and on social media - and then the audience decides: The two bands that receive the most online votes will win a slot at the festival. The third winning band will be selected by the BUNTWALD jury.

What is allowed?

Simple answer: everything. No matter what kind of music you make, whether you want to take part as a solo artist, as a duo, a trio or with a large group - we have no restrictions and look forward to every application!

Any questions?

Just send us an e-mail to .
We will get back to you as soon as possible!