We support

Buntwald has set itself the goal of doing good with the proceeds from its cultural events. The donations are intended to support associations and organisations that are active in the region or are active in the world from here. Therefore, the Buntwald Festival should benefit these two associations:

Kiju – Ortenauer Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst (Children and Youth Hospice Service in the Ortenau region)

Kiju - Ortenauer Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst - Logo

The children and youth hospice service, based in Offenburg, offers life support for children, young people and their families in the Ortenau region. The 20 volunteers working for the association look after three different groups of children: they accompany children and young people with life-shortening illnesses and their families. They support children and their families when a relative is incurably ill. And they offer children and young people support when they are in grief. The help is individually tailored to the needs of the children. In addition, the association offers leisure activities such as riding, hiking and herb gathering - to ensure that the children’s lives are as carefree as possible. The offers are free of charge for all families and are open to all those affected, regardless of their world view, religion or nationality.

Website of the Kiju Ortenau

Pwojè men kontre

Pwojé men Kontre - Haiti Deutschland e.V. - Logo

The association Pwojè men kontre helps in Haiti especially children, who often live in great need. The association founder and chairwoman Anke Brügmann from Wolfach travels to Haiti several times a year. The trained doctor works there closely with Haitians. The association is active outside the capital Port au Prince in Beaumont, a small town in the rough, mountainous south of the Caribbean island state. In addition to an orphanage, the association’s projects include a school, a social aid programme, an agricultural programme and medical care for the population.

Website of Pwojé men Kontre